Unleashing the power of digital transformation

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    Lead your organisation into the digital future 

    We’ll work with you to drive sustainable digital transformation that gets results

    Digital disruption is impacting every industry. To remain competitive in this fast-evolving landscape, organisations must digitally transform. However, research shows that 70% of all digital transformation initiatives fail. 

    We understand what it takes to lead successful and sustainable digital change. With decades of experience across a myriad of industries, we take a proven, methodical approach tailored to exactly what your organisation needs. 

    Common challenges with digital transformation 

    Digital transformation is tough. Efforts often fail because organisations: 

    • Lack leadership alignment and clear strategic vision. Without complete buy-in from executives, digital initiatives end up misaligned, under-resourced, or totally abandoned. 
    • Maintain siloed systems, departments and data. Disconnected legacy systems and data make it hard to deliver seamless digital experiences. Internal silos also impede collaboration and adoption. 
    • Focus too much on technology vs. people and process. Organisations invest heavily in new tech without preparing staff or optimising processes. This leads to wasted spend and poor adoption. 
    • Take the “big bang” approach instead of incremental steps. Attempting to do too much at once with a single, company-wide transformation initiative is high risk. Phasing change allows for corrections. 
    • Overlook the vital cultural and change management piece. Any technology is only as good as its adoption by people. Without preparing staff and shifting mindsets, results suffer. 

    How we can help 

    With Davies, digital transformation is more than just implementing technology. We take a human-centred approach, considering the people, processes, and cultural shifts needed to drive successful adoption. Here is how we can help you deliver real ROI from adigital transformation programme: 

    Establish a solid digital foundation 

    Before any technology implementations, we ensure the proper strategic vision, leadership alignment, and digital readiness across your organisation. This involves: 

    • Facilitating executive workshops to align on digital objectives 
    • Performing assessments to identify gaps standing in the way of transformation 
    • Providing recommendations to shore up people, processes, and technology for change 

    Take an iterative approach 

    When it comes to digital transformation, taking on too much at one time often results in failure. Instead, we take an iterative, customer-centric approach to digital change focused on tangible results. Our methodology includes: 

    • Working in cross-functional squads to rapidly deliver solutions 
    • Launching minimum viable products (MVPs) to gather real user feedback 
    • Utilising Agile sprints to continuously improve and refine solutions 

    Make change stick 

    Any solution is only as good as its adoption. We embed proven change management best practices through every engagement to drive usage and ROI. This includes: 

    • Leading training and workshops to prepare staff for change 
    • Creating digital adoption plans tailored to each user group 
    • Tracking KPIs and gathering feedback to monitor and sustain change

    With this comprehensive approach, Davies ensures your digital transformation delivers impactful and lasting business outcomes. 


    What’s next?

    We know it can be complicated to figure out how to best apply different aspects of digital transformation to your business for best results. To make it simpler for you, we want to introduce you to our Innovation Workshops. 

    What’s an Innovation Workshop? 

    A process to support you from ideation to the development of solutions designed to level up your business – and fast. During an Innovation Workshop our team: 

    1. Educates

    We get to know your business and help you understand Connected Intelligence and its potential

    2. Explores

    We understand your business objectives, goals, pain points and deliver a workshop to spark your creativity

    3. Innovates

    We validate the opportunities, ensure the most suitable technology is proposed and produce an execution plan

    4. Executes

    We implement the identified solution and provide extensive support until the services meet optimal performance

    We’ve got you covered

    Get in touch with our team today so we can talk about where you are – and, more importantly, where you hope to go.

    Mat Paixao
