Process Optimisation

Stay on top of your game with foolproof Process Optimisation

Process Optimisation

Stay on top of your game with foolproof Process Optimisation

Integrate your CX and team performance strategies

Unlock the true value of your Voice of the Customer programme and use it to identify process issues, help prioritise areas for improvement, and power your business forwards.

Gain invaluable insights into strategic improvements that could boost your KPIs, retain business, and enhance your overall Customer Experience strategy. 

74% of people will likely switch brands if they find the purchasing process too difficult.

No crystal ball required

Our Bedrock platform can help you analyse what your customers are saying in response to your Omnichannel Surveys, and understand how this is affecting your overall performance. While Verbatim Insights enable you to cross-reference customer comments with your KPIs, for easy identification of areas that are failing and negatively impacting your NPS, CSAT, or Customer Effort scores. It’s the perfect way to identify exactly what the customer cares about most and the changes you can make to improve your Customer Relationships. 

We can also help you to use custom identifiers to track feedback from the same customer across time, allowing you to plot process funnels and build a clear picture of their journey. And you can keep all of this knowledge at your fingertips with our powerful and fully customisable Dashboards. 

Employees looking at customer experience solutions on a laptop.
Contact center worker providing a great customer experience.

Automate and power processes

Customer Recovery is integral to the health of your business. Our intuitive Alerts system empowers you to respond to negative feedback as soon as it is received. An email alert will be sent as soon as a survey response containing pre-defined words or phrases is received, giving you the opportunity to turn any unhelpful experiences around in record time. 

Pair this functionality with our Badges and Rewards system, which ensures that outstanding customer service performance never goes unmissed, to create a symbiotic relationship between positive team morale and exceptional customer experience.  


Ready to optimise your business processes with our clever Voice of the Customer technology?
Drop us your email address and we will get in touch.