Especially if you’re a regulated entity supervised by the FCA, where you need to assess whether potential hires are ‘fit and proper’ for a controlled function role.
We can help you to financially background screen new employees in minutes, checking for CCJS, bankruptcies, and any adverse financial information so that your firm has all it needs to make intelligent and informed hiring decisions.
“Our checks are typically returned within 2 seconds.”
Includes the ability to screen UK residents for:
Our credit screens also give details of judgments and registrations including amounts, locations, and dates, with confirmation of address.
Let us help you recruit with confidence by providing quick insights for safe and informed decision making.
The cost of a bad hire is astronomical. In just a few seconds you could arm yourself with the invaluable and in-depth insight you need to make the best choices for your business.
Our Adverse Financial Checks help empower HR and hiring managers to make robust recruitment decision, through the use of a single API interface.